UKUAT Short Film Revisits Ukraine Students Visit to NHEHS
In the autumn term we welcomed 14 talented Ukrainian students for last two weeks as part of the ‘Future Leaders Exchange Programme (FLEX)’. We were delighted to feature in UKUAT’s lovely wrap up video of their visit to London and NHEHS which you can view here.
The FLEX programme is run by UKUATogether (UKUAT), a charity fostering secure, economic and growth-orientated connections between the UK and Ukraine. It is part of their current phase of work to help ‘rebuild’ Ukraine through nurturing its future leaders. UKUAT partnered with NHEHS and Alleyn’s School to host 26 students in total across the schools. The Ealing-based students were hosted by local NHEHS families during their visit and ‘buddied-up’ with our Sixth Formers during their stay