{"id":50350,"date":"2024-06-24T15:05:14","date_gmt":"2024-06-24T14:05:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/nhehs.gdst.net\/?p=50350"},"modified":"2024-06-24T15:05:17","modified_gmt":"2024-06-24T14:05:17","slug":"fun-day-trip-to-lille-for-year-9","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nhehs.gdst.net\/fun-day-trip-to-lille-for-year-9\/","title":{"rendered":"Fun Day Trip to Lille for Year 9!"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\t\n

By Madame Spencer, Head of French<\/em><\/p>\n

Last weekend some of our Year 9 French students enjoyed a great day trip to Lille. The weather was perfect for a free fun day with no delays. We started with a visit to the Palais des Beaux Arts with a quiz designed by Mme Beckerman and the girls really enjoyed navigating through the museum. We then went the Au Paon d’Or restaurant where we enjoyed traditional French dishes and ordered our drinks in French.<\/p>\n

Following this was a vox-pop. The Year 9s had to ask passers-by questions in French to get an understanding of why they were in the city centre and what they enjoyed doing at the weekend. This was tricky, as the students had to step out of their comfort zone but hopefully the survey style questions made it easier. They really challenged themselves and did not “cheat” or ask any of the questions in English! The reward was a traditional “galette \u00e0 la vanille” from the oldest bakery in Lille called Maison M\u00e9ert. They were delicious!
\nFinally, we had an hour of shopping town in and around the main square and we headed back to the Eurostar.<\/p>\n

Quizzes were finished, marked, and prizes distributed and we travelled home ready for the rest of the weekend!<\/p>\n


All in all, a fantastic day, and a great way to visit France in one day!<\/p>\n



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