Year 5/6 Team Runners Up at GDST Swimming Gala!
Mr R Hutchinson-Ratcliffe, Swimming Coach
Last Thursday, NHEHS Junior school, alongside their counterparts in the Senior School, attended the GDST Swimming Rally at Guildford Spectrum. In a fantastic display of swimming, the two NHEHS teams finished 2nd in the A category and 3rd in the B category. Every single one of the girls who swam an individual race qualified for the final, with 4 (Annabella S, Anna O-T, Emilia P and Naomi P) finishing in the top three places! A special mention to Annabella, who in doing so set a GDST record for the 50 metre backstroke. Later, the girls teamed up for relay races, with the B team winning the medley relay, setting another GDST record in the process.
The skill and determination shown from the swimmers was great to see throughout the day, as was the support they showed each other. All can be extremely proud of the effort they put in and the success they achieved!