Termly Costs
All fees are charged termly in advance and cover the regular curriculum, school books, stationery and materials. School lunches and trips are charged separately. Public examination fees in Years 11, 12 and 13 are additional and added to the final summer term invoice.
The government has announced that VAT at the rate of 20% will be added to independent school fees from 1 January 2025. Please see the latest information on the GDST website.
VAT – Frequently Asked Questions
Fees for 2025/6 will be announced in the Summer Term 2025.
From 1 September 2024/5 our termly fees will be:
Autumn Term 2024
– Junior School £6142.00
– Senior School £7965.00
Spring/Summer Terms 2025
– Junior School £6879.00 (inc. VAT) £5732.00 (exc.VAT)
– Senior School £8920.00 (inc. VAT) £7439.00 (exc.VAT)
How to Pay
Fees may be paid annually or termly in advance, or by monthly instalments (four per term) by Direct Debit to the Girls’ Day School Trust. The GDST also operates a prepaid fees scheme for a minimum term of two years.
Details are available on request from the Registrar, Ms L. Whitaker-Smith.
Parents are asked to give a whole term’s notice if extra subjects or lunches are to be discontinued.
Registration Fees
A non-refundable fee of £210 (£300 for overseas applications) is charged to process each student’s application. These fees are inclusive of VAT.
Acceptance Deposit
In both the Junior and Senior School once the offer of a place is made and the place accepted, a non-refundable Confirmation Deposit of £1500 is payable to confirm the place.
Sibling Discount
Parents with three or more children at the school at the same time will be eligible for a discount of 20% off fees for the third (and any subsequent) child. The discount will remain with the pupil until they leave the school.
Pupils from Reception up to and including Year 9 are expected to have school lunches. This cost is added to the fees invoice.
From 1st September 2024 the cost of lunches will be:
Reception to Year 6: £285 per term
Year 7, 8 and 9: £305 per term
For students in Years 10-13, parents can choose to pay the termly lunch fees or may have lunch on a pay-as-you-go basis using Parent Pay via their thumbprint, or can opt to bring in their own lunches. All Senior School students can also buy snacks and healthy food from the dining room at breaktime through Parent Pay.
Music Tuition
The cost for individual music lessons with our specialist Visiting Music Teachers (VMTs) taken during school hours is £32.50 per 35 minute lesson. Payment for these is separate and arranged by the VMTs.
Fees do not include the cost of trips. In both the Junior School and the Senior School an additional £45 per pupil will appear on the termly invoices from September 2024. This covers all day trips, except residential ones and some evening theatre visits, for which parents will be notified separately.