Get involved

We are a charity run by the parents and our purpose is to support the school in helping to make parents and guardians feel part of the NHEHS school community through activities that bring everyone together. 


There are lots of fun ways to get involved with four committees within the Parents’ Guild and we would encourage parents to volunteer to join any of these committees. All parents automatically become Parents’ Guild members when their daughters join the school.



The Parents Guild raises funds that directly benefit the pupils, as well as supporting our vision to increase the number of bursary places we can offer.

In recent years, our parents have helped to fund a wide range of ‘extras’ for our girls, ranging from indoor cricket nets to iPads, a sound and light mixing desk, new microscopes for science labs and VR headsets.

Here’s how parents can help:

The General Committee is made up of parent Officers of the Guild, the Headmaster of NHEHS and Head of the Junior School. The General Committee meets face to face on a weekday evening four times a year and holds an Annual General Meeting, which is open to all parents, at the School in November. As a charity the General Committee has responsibility for ensuring the constitution is followed, for agreeing and submitting annual accounts, and allocating funds appropriately. The three other subcommittees detailed below feed into this committee through their Chairs.

Raise money and make new friends

The Social and Fundraising Committee is a small team of parents from both the Junior and Senior school who work on organising some brilliantly fun events throughout the year that bring our NHEHS community together. This year we are planning the following events:

Christmas Bazaar – December 2nd 2023

150th Anniversary Ball Saturday – March 23rd 2024

HillFest Giving Day in collaboration with the school – Tuesday 2nd July 2024

As well as running annual social events in October and May (e.g. Bingo Night with Pizza, Quiz and Curry Night, Murder Mystery), each class has an active Whatsapp group and many social events are organised between classes and year groups, including after work drinks, coffee mornings and book clubs as well as online interactive events. We are always open to new ideas!

A new way you can support

The NHEHS Pre-Loved second-hand Uniform Shop Committee is a small team of parents from both the Junior and Senior Schools which has developed, and now runs, the NHEHS Preloved online shop. The shop stocks a wide selection of second-hand items of school uniform – at a fraction of new prices – as well as accessories such as school hats and bags so parents can buy preloved uniform and help the NHEHS community achieve its sustainability goals. All proceeds are donated to the NHEHS community bursary fund or used to purchase legacy items for the school.

Help students through careers’ advice, networking and work experience

The Careers Committee works closely with the school Careers Team to curate a careers programme including an annual careers fair, event, seminars, networking events, mock interviews and work experience. We support our students with experiences that help build their employability skills as well as raising awareness of the wide variety of careers in the world beyond university.

Read about the 2023 Parents’ Guild Careers Fair here.