Discover and Explore
Each year our Senior School students have the opportunity to enrich their cultural awareness and extend academic boundaries, whether to practice their language skills, participate in a Sports or Musical competition or the opportunity to explore an academic subject, students embrace exciting opportunities and make life-long memories.
Our teachers run a vast range of local, national and international trips for our students. From visits to London galleries, museums, concerts and lectures, to Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and Modern Foreign Language (MFL) residential trips, there’s something for everyone.
Recent trips:
- Classics trips to Rome, Pompeii and Sicily
- Economics trip to New York
- History and MFL trips to Berlin
- Senior Sports Tour to Barbados (Hockey, Netball, Swimming)
- Expedition to Finland
- World Challenge trips to Cambodia and Norway
- Ski trips to the Pyrenees and Italian Alps
- MFL trips to China, France, Austria, Germany, Spain
- Visits to the Ypres Battlefields
- Geography trip to Switzerland
- Art History trip to Florence
- Physics trip to Cern, Switzerland
- Art History trip to Florence
- Creative writing retreats in England
- Cultural residential trip to Cambridge