Proactive pastoral care underpins all that we do.

In the Sixth Form our students’ wellbeing is exceptionally important to us.
We seek to nurture and support our Sixth Formers as they navigate the challenges of this important stage in their educational journeys and hope to provide them with the necessary skills to help them navigate life beyond NHEHS.
Upon joining the Sixth Form, each student is assigned a Sixth Form Tutor who will be their first port of call for any pastoral issue and we encourage an honest and open dialogue. Sixth Form Tutors are phase specialists and are exceptionally experienced at providing bespoke support for the individuals in their care. They know their tutees well and meet with them each morning during form time as well as for individual tutorials on a regular basis.

Throughout the school day, Sixth Formers are able to visit the school nurse should they need to and we have a team of counsellors who are also able to offer support on a confidential basis. We also believe in the benefits of physical exercise on mental health and compulsory PE lessons continue throughout the Sixth Form, taking place every Wednesday afternoon.
Our PSHCEE programme is carefully designed to meet the unique needs of Sixth Formers and we regularly consult our students to ensure that it continues to be relevant and applicable to them. As part of this programme we regularly invite external speakers to deliver talks on important topics.

Hearing the voices of all our Sixth Formers is important to us. We have a range of student-led committees through which this is able to happen and we regularly implement the ideas that are brought to us.
Our Sixth Form community is a close-knit one and we regularly organise a variety of social events which enable students to come together and enjoy spending time in each other’s company. Some examples of these include Tutor group breakfasts, end of term parties and even a Sixth Form sleepover.
Each and every member of our staff body is committed to safeguarding the students in our care and, in the Sixth Form, we have a clear set of expectations and shared values that we seek to uphold to ensure that everybody is able to achieve their potential within a safe and caring environment.