Top 10 school in The Times A Level League table for A*AB - Book a Sixth Form Open Day

"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

“…Without the bursary, I would never have been able to attend Notting Hill & Ealing High School, I would not have got the grades required for university, and I would not have felt so confident moving forward into higher education. I am eternally grateful to have received it.”

Transformational Bursaries

Ensuring that talented and academically gifted girls from all backgrounds have access to education at Notting Hill & Ealing High School is integral to the school’s vision and ethos. Our students, staff, current and former parents and alumnae represent all backgrounds and reflect the culture and community of our school. We know bursaries change lives and benefit the whole school community.

At NHEHS, we have a long history of providing bursary awards and our bursary pupils have contributed hugely to the diversity and endeavour of the school. However, each year we turn away many talented applicants. Currently we have around 7% of our students on  bursary awards but our ambition is to do much more. 

In 2023/4 we are celebrating our 150th anniversary. Such an important milestone feels like the right time to extend our bursary programme to anyone with the ability and potential, regardless of background or wealth. 

Our Bursary students and our Donors’ stories

Everyone Makes a Difference

Whether you are a parent, pupil, alumna, or honorary alumna of NHEHS, you are considered to be a valuable, life-long member of the NHEHS community and we hope you will find a way to support our 150th vision to increase bursaries.

We recognise there are many levels of giving but every donation can change a student’s future and that is why we are launching Everyone Makes a Difference Campaign – whether it is a legacy commitment, a one off donation or a regular gift, every pound you give will go towards a transformational bursary for a talented student. 

150th Anniversary Bursary Appeal

September 2023 marks our 150th anniversary. To celebrate this significant in our history and to stand as a testament to our philanthropic culture, past, present and future, we ask all our community to consider donating towards one of the three new transformational bursaries: The OGA Alumnae Bursary; the Parents’ Bursary; the Class of 2024 Bursary. Read more about each of these below.

Ways to give

You can support NHEHS in many ways, whichever way you choose to give back, your generosity is appreciated and will help fund a transformational bursary for a talented student.

If you would like to discuss a donation or have any questions about our Bursary Programme then please  contact Molly Tollit – our Development Officer at

Your generosity can make a huge difference


Look what a difference your donation could make – if


We could support a student for a full year


Make a donation here.

Your donation is increased by 25% if we are able to claim GiftAid.


Leaving a legacy

We hope that you feel your time at Notting Hill & Ealing High School had a positive influence on your life, or on the life of someone close to you. Leaving a legacy is a unique and very meaningful donation and remembering us in your will is one of the most personal and significant ways you can help our schools and support a bursary student.

Legacy gifts often take the form of a specific sum of money or a percentage of a person’s estate. All legacy gifts, whatever type or size, play a vital role in our work and can have a transformative impact.

A will is very personal, and we understand if you prefer to keep your plans private. If you do wish to let us know about a pledged legacy, we will be able to say thank you and keep you and your family informed on the impact of your gift.

There is lots more information and advice about how to leave a legacy on the GDST website. 

“My reason for leaving a legacy to my old school is that getting a place at NHEHS was probably my luckiest break in life and if in some small way I can help someone else to get that opportunity it would be great.”

Alison Bond

Class of 1971

Saying Thank You

Thank you every donation really does make a difference. Together we are gifting students an outstanding chance in life. Thank you for sharing our vision to ensure that those girls with the talent but not the means can access an aspirational yet grounded NHEHS education. We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.


As part of the GDST family of schools, we also work with a number of philanthropic charities and organisations who are all committed to widening access to independent education. We are enormously grateful for their support. Some of those that currently support or have in the past supported NHEHS students include Garfield Weston, HSBC and John Lyon’s Charity. In 2022 we established a new partnership with the Royal National Children’s Springboard Foundation. We adhere to the guidance recommended by the industry regulator.

Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation

NHEHS is proud to have been accredited by Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation (RNCSF). RNCSF is the UK’s largest bursary charity, helping young people facing the most challenging circumstances from across the UK to access great educational opportunities.

  • Read more


    RNCSF works to bring the transformational opportunities offered by the UK’s independent and state boarding schools to the young people who will benefit from them the most. By 2025 it aims to have supported 2,000 young people from challenging circumstances to access these opportunities – changing their futures, influencing their peers and becoming role models to others. It works with more than 120 schools across the UK; each of whom has demonstrated its commitment to widening access and providing exemplary pastoral care and support for pupils facing disadvantage and vulnerability.

    Since 2017 the charity has worked exclusively with boarding and day schools with remarkable results, supporting over 1000 children. They wish to extend their reach and impact further by working with selected day schools, including NHEHS. We are delighted to be partnering with such a wonderful organisation and hope to welcome our first ever Springboard pupil in September 2023.


  • Bursary FAQ’s

    How many pupils at NHEHS receive a bursary?
    Currently 45 students receive a bursary which is about 6% of the student numbers.

    What is the difference between a bursary and scholarship?
    A bursary is means-tested whereas a scholarship is not. A bursary takes into account the academic ability and potential of the student but its value is directly related to the income and financial resources of the pupil’s family. 

    Scholarships are awarded purely on academic, sporting or musical merit, as measured in an entrance assessment. They take no account of the family income/resources. 

    What is NHEHS’ bursary eligibility criteria?
    In conjunction with the GDST criteria, families with an annual income of £42,500 or less and who have no capital assets other than their home, are eligible to apply. Please visit the GDST website for more information.

    Parents complete an online application and a robust assessment is undertaken to ensure fairness and consistency. Bursary awards are reviewed annually to check continued financial need.

    How much is a Bursary worth?
    We aim to give 100% bursaries and in the last few years as demand has increased we are able to fill our current places. Awards can range from 30%-100% and include the cost of lunches, uniforms, travel and some trips. 

    When are students awarded Bursaries?
    Bursaries are available to any student aged 11 and over at a GDST fee-paying senior school. Most awards are allocated on entry either to Year 7 or to the Sixth Form and all are awarded based on academic performance and financial need.