You can find more detailed information and what to expect from each subject below.

  • Science

    The natural world is laid bare for Biologists to investigate and understand. Through fun and discovery, we strive for the students to have a greater awareness of how this natural world works and we aim to make this insight stick by using practical techniques such as plasticine to model the stages of mitosis or cuddly cell toys to teach specialised cells.

    Understanding how their bodies work through investigating animals and looking at the genetics of why they have blue eyes are just some of those ‘wow’ moments that students never forget. Beyond the classroom, our pupils can take their understanding further in the very popular dissection club or by acting as a ‘High Witch’ as part of Maths & Science Week for KS1 children. Students can also test their skills nationally by taking part in essay competitions and participating in the Bronze and Silver CREST award, aimed at budding scientists and engineers.


    Students investigate the ever changing natural and manmade world around them, looking at their material properties and using scientific principles to explain phenomena. Through practical experiments, from preparing hydrogen and testing this using the ‘squeaky pop test’ to rates of reaction experiments, including the sodium thiosulfate cross experiment, we encourage all students to work out for themselves answers to the wonders of the material world.

    At GCSE level, students study the Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry course, and at A level our students take OCR A Chemistry. 

    Beyond the curriculum, there are trips to the Science and Natural History museums as well as competitions such as the Cambridge Chemistry Race, Top of the Bench, the Chemistry Olympiad and C3L6 where students are able to put their Chemistry skills against other schools. Older students interested in a career in Medicine are also invited to engage with the highly – developed MedSoc, where speakers regularly come to speak to the students.


    Using the tools of language we can access the culture of a country and thereby inspire inquisitive linguists; global citizens capable of recognising and appreciating the differences and similarities between nations. All students begin their first term on a carousel of French, German and Spanish. Alongside this, they all study Mandarin Chinese. During Spring Term of Year 7 pupils choose two languages to continue studying into Year 8/9. This gives all students a chance to experience the different languages and cultures and decide which ones they wish to delve into further. The Stephen Spender prize and Anthea Bell prize for poetry translations both offer students the opportunity to compete nationally and hone their linguistic talents.

    Bilingual students

    We offer provision for students who are already bilingual in one of the languages that are studied. Both inside the classroom with stretch and challenge activities and outside with the many clubs on offer, bilingual students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their second language with the potential that they can become triple linguists at GCSE and beyond.

  • Modern Foreign Languages

    Using the tools of language we can access the culture of a country and thereby inspire inquisitive linguists; global citizens capable of recognising and appreciating the differences and similarities between nations. All students begin their first term on a carousel of French, German and Spanish. Alongside this, they all study Mandarin Chinese. During Spring Term of Year 7 pupils choose two languages to continue studying into Year 8/9. This gives all students a chance to experience the different languages and cultures and decide which ones they wish to delve into further. The Stephen Spender prize and Anthea Bell prize for poetry translations both offer students the opportunity to compete nationally and hone their linguistic talents.


    Bilingual students

    We offer provision for students who are already bilingual in one of the languages that are studied. Both inside the classroom with stretch and challenge activities and outside with the many clubs on offer, bilingual students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their second language with the potential that they can become triple linguists at GCSE and beyond.



    Independent thinkers and logical minds are drawn to the challenge and reason of the German language. Often a new language to students in Year 7, they soon recognise similarities to English and the straightforward phonetics, which both mean they are able to quickly produce sentences. Students can venture further into German culture through the very popular German Society, the school’s German ambassadors have been researching and holding presentations on the plays of Bertolt Brecht, German history since 1871, German politics looking at the political landscape in Germany and election fever and political art by Kaethe Kollwitz as well as hearing from Alumnae studying German at university. 

    Trips  to our partner school in Karlsruhe to meet our pen pal exchange partners is a highlight as it gives students a chance to explore real life in Germany. Many students have already been successful in the National German Olympiad competition. Students enjoy the challenge of a new language and relish the opportunity to discover the fascinating culture and history behind it.


    A language spoken by approximately 17% of the world’s population, Mandarin Chinese opens up the world to students. Studying pictographic evolution enables students to spot patterns and make real life connections in the characters which are idiophones, giving both meaning and sound. Students begin learning Chinese in the junior school at NHEHS through stories and songs. All aspects of Chinese culture are embraced inside the classroom and out through calligraphy, fan dancing, Tang poetry, visiting artists and drama. Online exchange programmes with schools in China and Taiwan enable students to further discover the real China, as does our KS3 Chinese Trip. Students can also compete nationally in the Mandarin Bridge, Anthea Bell and Stephen Spender competitions, in fact, our students win at least one prize for Chinese every year.


    A love of Francophonie is cultivated through the exploration of the cultural, historical and global diversity of the French language. With this in mind, students are exposed early on to poetry through Apolinaire’s Caligrammes, which they are encouraged to imitate and adapt, as well as texts from for instance the tales of La Fontaine to Rabelais’ Gargantua.

    Older students can explore existentialism through Camus’ L’Etranger and the diversity of French society through the films Intouchables and Bienvenue Chez les Ch’tis. Trips to Normandy, Lille, Paris and Montpellier give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in French history and family life. The exchange programmes with a school in Paris and Montpellier, both with letters in Year 8 and in person, allow students to delve even further into the French ‘joie de vivre’ and use their language skills. A language rich in historical links with the UK, students enjoy the way they can quickly understand a wealth of authentic resources.


    A global language, learning Spanish provides students with a gateway to the world. Spanish lessons offer an immersive linguistic experience that places a strong emphasis on understanding the cultural aspects behind the language.

    Students have the opportunity to delve into Hispanic literary culture by exploring the works of renowned authors such as Federico García Lorca, Gabriel García Márquez and Pablo Neruda. Vibrant festivals such as Carnaval in Spain and Latin America and the Tomatina also intrigue and inspire students to explore the language further.

    Beyond the classroom, students extend their involvement through the Languages Club led by A-level enthusiastic Spanish students, with a strong focus on Spanish and South American culture, and they also actively participate in competitions such as the Oxford Flash Fiction Competition, The Hispanic Theatre Festival and the Stephen Spender Translation Prize.

    To enhance their real-life experiences, students embark on trips to Cantabria and Salamanca in Spain and they also take part in a partnership with a Valencian girls’ school. Students like that they are able to pick up the language quite quickly and progress rapidly, which instil confidence in their ability to communicate in Spanish at an early stage.

  • Mathematics

    Fluency with Mathematics and the ability to make reasoned arguments based on evidence enables students to confidently identify patterns and analyse possible causes. Through the discovery of concepts and proving the origins of formulae, students can also model situations to solve problems and understand the models’ limitations.

    Students are encouraged to act as mentors for those in younger years, facilitating an exchange of passion and understanding. Beyond the classroom there are a plethora of opportunities to stimulate students such as the Maths Feast and UKMT team challenges where students compete against other local schools, lectures in central London and masterclasses at the Royal Institution which open their eyes to the real world application of maths. At school, Pi Club, the Breakfast Club, Junior and Senior Maths Club, House Maths and Pi Day all allow students to embrace different mathematical challenges. Being exposed to Maths in so many different ways during their time at our school, every student is bound to find something that inspires them.

  • English

    With a focus on discussion and debate, English students learn to be unafraid of sharing their views and respect those of others. Through the literary canon from Chaucer to Shakespeare via Wide Sargasso Sea and To Kill a Mockingbird, students are exposed to a wide range of narrative voices. They hone their own writing style through creative writing and can be published in the Doodles creative writing magazine.

    In an era of fake news, English students learn the invaluable skill of deciphering and decoding the news and social media. Independence and a love of reading independently is promoted with the Reading Passport and the Breakfast Book Club. Students are encouraged to speak out in conferences on poetry and language. Through visiting authors, theatre trips and theatre companies coming into school, texts are brought to life. Studying English is a journey of discovery and finding one’s own voice.

  • Design Technology

    Design Technology equips students to consider the needs of a changing world through a range of exciting projects, whereby they will explore professional Product Design work practices, applying them to practical design challenges.  Students will be required to consider the needs of a range of stakeholders, as well as the environmental impact of manufacturing their products. Students will have creative freedom to express their individuality through their ideas, designs and models.

    Every student will take ownership of their own project ideas which heightens interest and challenges and makes the final product far more rewarding. Students can test their skills nationally through entering the Arkwright Scholarship, the Royal Society for Arts – Pupil Design Awards and the Triumph Design Awards. Practical learning is key and students gain a whole host of new skills and processes that they will be able to apply to their own marketable products, simulating the workings of professional product designers.

  • Art

    The Art Department at NHEHS is renowned for its commitment to excellence, nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and technical skill development in an inspiring and academic environment. As a high-achieving school, our department consistently fosters artistic talent while supporting students’ personal and academic growth through a rich and diverse curriculum.

    Art is an extremely popular and successful subject. We are uniquely positioned to strengthen the development of students’ artistic skills, initiative, and imagination through creative exploration. Our approach aligns with the school’s mission to nurture well-rounded, confident, and independent individuals. By offering a diverse range of activities and opportunities, we empower students to express their passion for learning and life, while supporting their personal growth and intellectual curiosity within the creative Arts curriculum.

    The exploration of diverse materials and creative decision-making cultivates students’ growth as reflective artists, enhancing their capacity for critical thought and nuanced interpretation of the surrounding world. Students engage with a wide range of mediums, including painting, printmaking, digital manipulation, and three-dimensional construction, to build their visual literacy and technical proficiency.

    To complement the academic curriculum, the Art Department offers a range of enrichment activities designed to enhance students’ artistic experiences and broaden their cultural understanding:

    Gallery and Museum Visits: Students regularly visit leading galleries and museums. Sixth Form Art students thoroughly enjoy the Gallery crawl around Cork street and Whitechapel. The Tate, Saatchi, Victoria Miro, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the National Portrait Galleries offer wonderful opportunities for Art students to access and take part in personalised workshops and Lectures. These visits provide valuable opportunities for students to critically analyse professional works and draw inspiration for their own practice.

  • Music

    Confident, articulate and independent musicians are developed through listening, appraising, performing and composing music in a wide range of musical styles and incorporating elements of music technology.

    Musicianship is a clear focus across the years with lessons based on the Kodaly principles run in Key Stage 3. Students are given opportunities to develop creatively through a film competition with an original score and independent compositions in a variety of genres.  In Key Stage 4 and 5, thinking critically, students delve into historical context, with comparisons between set works and wider listening. We have a large number of events every term; large scale concerts, such as our 150th anniversary concert held at the Cadogan Hall to Tea Time concerts, student-led atrium concerts, school productions collaborating with drama, an opera (to be held in 2025) and choral evensong sung at St Martin-in-the-Fields or Ely Cathedral (upcoming in 2025). We also enter chamber music competitions and there is a School Musician of the Year competition. Our choir goes on a bi-annual international tour. As musicians, students hone their creativity through diverse opportunities which promote excellence and leadership.

  • Computing

    Students will be at the forefront of the technological revolution, gaining firsthand experience with emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Robotics, and Physical Computing. Each of these fields forms a vital component of our modern curriculum, allowing students to apply computational thinking to real-world challenges. Furthermore, our education doesn’t stop at technical prowess. We firmly believe in nurturing balanced, well-rounded individuals. Therefore, we introduce students to the ethical and legal implications of these technologies, instilling in them a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the broader societal impacts. Our pedagogical approach prepares students to effectively harness the power of Big Data, understand the complexity of machine learning models, immerse themselves in the boundless possibilities of VR, explore the efficiency of robotics, and innovate through physical computing. We encourage the use of computational thinking as a problem-solving tool – dissecting complex issues, designing viable algorithms, and extrapolating these solutions to wider contexts. NHEHS is the ideal environment for students who wish to be at the cutting edge of technology while maintaining a keen sense of ethical and legal propriety. We equip our students not only with the skills to thrive in the digital age but also with the intellectual rigour and moral compass necessary to shape it positively.

    As part of our commitment to providing a comprehensive and real-world learning experience, NHEHS offers unique opportunities such as field trips to historical and contemporary technological landmarks. Our students will visit Bletchley Park, the cradle of modern computing, where they can appreciate the origins of computational thinking and experience firsthand the ingenuity that broke the Enigma code during World War II. Equally exciting is our annual expedition to Silicon Valley, the global hub for high-tech innovation and social media. Here, students witness how today’s tech giants apply computational thinking and emerging technologies in shaping our digital world. This blend of historical understanding and forward-looking vision prepares our students to appreciate the evolution of technology, understand its present implications, and anticipate its future potential. This leads them to taking part in the British Informatic Olympiad where the students will be intellectually challenged allowing them to apply all that they have learnt.

  • Drama

    Through the study of Drama students develop empathy and understanding of what it is to be human and our commonality rather than our differences.

    We inspire the theatre makers of the future by developing understanding of theatre practitioners and playwrights. Students can train in Theatre Arts using the state of the art drama studio covering sound, lighting, stage management, set design, costume, hair and makeup with the Backstage Pass. Large scale productions in school allow everyone to be involved as well as entering the Edinburgh Fringe for those who are keen to perform to a wider audience. Visiting theatre practitioners such as esteemed designer Lizzie Clachan and theatre director Ben Harrison, inspire and deepen understanding of subject and industry beyond education. Students also participate in workshops run by theatre companies such as Splendid, Paper Birds and Frantic Assembly. Drama is a shared safe, powerful and exciting space for articulating how we feel about the world and difference as well as our common ground.

  • Classics

    Classics is an exciting and diverse discipline which offers students the opportunity to gain an insight into the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, particularly by studying the languages and literature of these societies. Students at NHEHS develop a phenomenal range of skills during their journey studying ancient languages. All students study Latin between Year 7 and Year 9, and as well as developing impressive powers of analysis and literary sensitivity as they translate an inflected language, they explore connections between languages and significantly build their word power. They engage with stories of cruel gods and mighty heroes, reading foundational texts from multiple genres, from Virgil’s Aeneid to Tacitus’ Annals. Starting in Year 10, keen linguists have the opportunity to study an exhilarating and intellectually stimulating course in Classical Greek, and are able to read Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey in the original Greek within a year.

    At NHEHS, we seek to enable our students to explore all aspects of the ancient world and in our weekly Masterclass, students discuss and debate classical art, literature, theatre, history, religion, archaeology, and philosophy. Our younger students enjoy enriching and creative activities in our Myths & Legends Club, while older students enjoy success competing in the UK Linguistics Olympiad and sharing their love of Classics by teaching Latin to younger students at North Ealing Primary School. We regularly offer inspiring trips and events, including visits to productions of Greek plays and exhibitions, as well as trips abroad to marvel at the Roman forum, the wonderfully preserved Pompeii and Herculaneum, and the Athenian Acropolis. The highlights of our calendar are the annual GDST Classics Conference, which we are hosting at NHEHS in January 2025, and the NHEHS Classics Dinner, featuring a talk from a distinguished speaker and activities led by our Sixth Form reps, which all Classicists from Year 10 upwards are invited to attend.

  • History

    Driven by a spirit of enquiry, students identify and analyse historical crises and key debates. They learn to build and defend an argument; listening and acknowledging the different arguments and then using these to strengthen their own points. In-depth familiarisation with primary source material means students can analyse events in the context of the time. In tandem with this, reading logs ensure students read extensively around the subject.

    ‘Let them eat Cake Club’ helps bring the past to life, each cake baked by pupils centres around a different historical event or key figure. During the school’s History Week visiting speakers come to discuss global history, topics such as Southern American Warfare, and students have organised an American history scavenger hunt highlighting the vanishing Native Americans. Several trips take place each year for various year groups, including a Year 9 battlefields trip, a GCSE trip to Berlin and an A Level trip to Versailles. 

  • Geography

    Geography fosters curiosity about the world, encouraging students to be outward-looking and critically engaged with some of the most pressing local and global issues of our time, including polarising geopolitical views, pandemics, rapid climate change, and the impacts of Crossrail.

    The department regularly invites guest speakers, such as university lecturers and industry professionals, to discuss topics relevant to our studies. Recently, these discussions have explored how local councils and business leaders balance the demands of economic growth with the need for environmental sustainability.

    Trips to destinations like Iceland, Switzerland, Morocco, and Wales provide students with the opportunity to explore a wide variety of landscapes, cultures, and economies. These experiences build cultural capital, enriching students’ understanding of the world and preparing them for a future in which global awareness and adaptability are essential.

    Environmentalism and sustainability are core values embraced by NHEHS students. They take an active role in caring for the school environment and surrounding areas by leading assemblies, inviting guest speakers, and maintaining the school pond ecosystem.

    Through Geography, students are encouraged to make meaningful connections and are challenged to view the world from new perspectives.

  • Philosophy, Religion and Ethics – PRE

    Through studying Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) students discover a love and passion for inquiry. They consider issues ethically and philosophically to uncover why people are religious and what significance this has to both groups and individuals. Together, we conduct philosophical and ethical investigations, such as the Milgram experiment, where we consider why people behave in a certain way. Outside of the classroom we visit places of worship such as Gurdwara and a synagogue and Year 9 undertake a philosophy workshop.

    PRE gives students a chance to debate and look at the strengths and weaknesses of arguments and they can enter national competitions such as the Philosothon competition to test their skills on a national level.

  • Psychology

    Studying psychology helps students to better understand themselves and the world around them. Students become confident in applying psychological principles and theories to the real world and have a sound understanding of how research is designed and conducted.

    Through the exploration of diverse topics in the field, they gain greater empathy for others as they learn to understand the reasons why people are the way they are. Pursuing individual interests is a focus of the course and students take part in an investigative research project in which they investigate and teach their peers about an area of Psychology that they are fascinated by. Discussion and debate are key features of the course as students scrutinise topics such as the origin of intelligence and why people obey unethical orders. Lectures from visiting psychologists allow students to see how psychology works in practice in the real world and trips to the Freud Museum and the Old Bailey give them the opportunity to explore other facets of Psychology’s role in society. 

  • Economics

    Economics is the study of how societies allocate scarce resources to satisfy the vast wants and needs of their populations. It is a dynamic and essential subject that brings students into direct engagement with real-world issues and helps them understand the forces shaping our world. Studying Economics equips students with the analytical tools to critically evaluate decisions made by individuals, businesses, and governments and offers insights into pressing questions like how to reduce inequality, promote sustainable growth, and manage resources wisely.

    In addition to theoretical understanding, our students are encouraged to apply what they learn to current economic events. Through examining case studies, reading articles from respected publications like The Economist and The Financial Times, and engaging in classroom debates, students develop the skills to analyse, evaluate, and present complex economic issues. We have a thriving Economics Society, take part in student conferences and in the past been to New York on a residential trip. We are always looking for Economics-related opportunities in central London, such as open lectures and LSE and the recent hit play ‘The Lehman Trilogy.’

    Economics determines our pay, the jobs we do, the industries we work in, how we travel, where we live, the goods we buy, where we buy them, and the prices we pay. Students soon realise that an understanding of Economics is an essential life skill that will equip them for further education and the world of work.

  • History of Art

    Through a thematic overview of artworks and architecture of the last 2,500 years as well as in-depth period studies, students are equipped to analyse and critically assess iconic works from Michelangelo’s ‘Moses’ to ‘Tippoo’s Tiger’ and buildings such as St Paul’s Cathedral. These are investigated from a range of different theoretical perspectives as well as via their social and historical context. Students gain a new language of terms with which to consider the motivations behind and techniques used to create paintings, sculptures and buildings. 

    Students’ academic understanding is stretched using university level resources and we encourage independent research. We take our students out of the classroom and lead our teaching in galleries, museums, and cultural sites. Last year this included travelling to Florence for a residential trip. Students participate in conferences such as Art History Futures and Ways of Seeing, held at museums such as Dulwich Picture Gallery and the V&A. Students find different ways to communicate their ideas beyond the curriculum, for instance in the National Gallery’s Articulation and SPoKE film making competitions. In our every changing globalised world, the ability to analyse cultural objects is a critical skill.  

  • Politics

    Politics students are active political observers and relish rigorous discussion of current affairs, particularly at our weekly Politics Club. We study UK and USA government systems and political affairs, covering everything from pressure groups to electoral systems, from comparative legislatures to in-depth political philosophy in our study of four key ideologies.

    This course sees students thrive in the intellectual challenges it offers alongside the thrill of engagement with a political scene that changes every day.

    Using their knowledge of political systems, students analyse current events with a critical eye and respectfully challenge each other’s varying political views. Many of our students go onto further study in Politics and Social Sciences and are eager to be part of the political system and be the force of change.

    Our links with Notre Dame de Namur School in Pennsylvania give students a chance to discuss differing views of politics from both sides of the pond, enriching our comparative studies of USA and UK Government and Politics.

  • PE

    Students are certain to find a sport or activity they enjoy, are passionate about and feel competent to participate in, competitively or recreationally, through a wide breadth of teams in many sports.

    No student is turned away from a sport they would like to take part in. High quality coaching allows students to enter national competitions for our key sports such as netball, hockey, water polo, cricket, tennis and athletics. Having our own swimming pool means students can enjoy swimming as part of the PE curriculum and can attend swimming and water polo sessions at lunchtime and after school.

    The Senior Sports Tour to South Africa is an incredible opportunity for senior players to compete internationally. Whilst, younger students can go on the annual Netball residential trip to Condover Hall. There is a huge range of extra-curricular clubs and fixtures each week ensuring all students can find their niche. The Sports Scholars benefit from a programme of sport including talks in specialist areas such as nutrition and psychology. We are honoured to host elite players who come into school to talk to the students about their experience and run training sessions. PE at Notting Hill is fun, challenging and a great way to make friends for life in school.