No either-or

A passion for academic excellence

Across NHEHS, we offer exceptional educational opportunities for girls of all ages, from Reception through to Sixth Form. All girls, whatever their age, benefit from our “no either-or” ethos, where academic ambition happily coexists with a supportive and empowering atmosphere.

Beyond the classroom

We pride ourselves on building the foundations that are central to an enjoyable and successful life in school, and beyond. When students are happy, confident and excited by challenges, they can make the most of the opportunities available to them and achieve their potential.


Senior School, Year 12

“I like that it isn’t weird to really love maths, which is my favourite subject. Plus when we did our DofE, the teachers who came along made us laugh, it was great to have the shared experience.”


Senior School, Year 13

“Our teachers believe in us and genuinely want us to get the results that we deserve and can be proud of, but we have fun along the way.”

Senior School of the Year 2021

EXCELLENT in all areas in the ISI Inspection Report 2022

Independent Girls’ School of the Year 2020


Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

Categories: 2023, Classics, Senior
By Mrs Tollit, Classics Teacher Year 9 Red took to the…
Categories: 2023, Senior, Sixth Form
The Head Girl Team led a lively assembly to kick off t…
Categories: 2023, Senior
By Isabel H, Year 10 Journalist Leader With the Christ…
Categories: 2023, Charities & Volunteering, Senior
It’s been a busy and fun term of charities and volunte…
Categories: 2023, Academic, Senior
On November 30th we celebrated the final presentations…
Categories: 2023, Junior
This year’s Junior Carol Concert was a spectacular aff…
Categories: 2023, Community, Junior, Parents’ Guild, Senior
A massive thank you to all the class reps from Recepti…
Categories: 2023, Senior, Sport
It’s been another busy and successful term for o…
Categories: 2023, Drama, Sixth Form, Trips
By Chris V, Year 12 On the seventh of December the Six…
Categories: 2023, English, Sixth Form, Trips
By Clemency G, Year 13 The Year 13 English Literature …
Categories: 2023, Sixth Form
We were thrilled to hear that one of our films made by…
Categories: 2023, Junior
Last week of term at Junior School and the House Capta…