“The Ghost of You” Takes 2nd Place in Young Film Academy 10 Shot Film Awards 2023!
We were thrilled to hear that one of our films made by our Sixth Formers, “The Ghost of You,” has been awarded 2nd Place (Years 10-12) in the inaugural Young Film Academy 10 Shot Film Awards 2023!
The 10 Shot Film Awards showcase the best 2-minute films produced by groups of students across 125 schools in the UK. Recognising originality combined with technical filmmaking skills, the awards provide a platform to showcase emerging talent and to encourage young people to pursue a career in the British Film Industry. 10 Shot Films may take no longer than 2 hours to produce: 30 mins planning + 90 mins filming and editing.
In 2023, 125 leading UK schools hosted the One Day Film School, resulting in more than 1000 films being made by over 10,000 Year 7-12 students. A shortlist of films for the two categories (Years 7-9 and 10-12) were drawn up by Young Film Academy and then judged by their panel headed by Robin Kinsey, Vice President Marketing, Walt Disney Studios EMEA & UK – Marvel, Lucasfilm & 20th Century Studios.
This is a fantastic achievement, the film being in the top 0.6% of films produced in 125 leading UK schools.
The judges commented on the film, “This film is beautifully made, with moving performances. It tells a tragic story with a cleverly fragmented structure with a devastating twist in the final moments. We loved the choice of haunting music, the juxtaposition of past and present, and the skeletal hand… a truly impressive, accomplished piece of filmmaking.”
The 10 Shot Film Award winners are now live on the 2023 Awards page where you can enjoy watching the award-winning films.