
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2022
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-Ordinator Firstly, well done to the Year 10s who raised over £700 for W...
Category: 2022
A truly super couple of weeks for school sports, with fixtures in Athletics, Badminton, Cricket, Cro...
Category: 2022
Our History Reps Alabama H-F, Mairi G, Katie L, Ruby M and Sakeena S, together with Debating Club an...
Category: 2022
By Lilly B and Manpreet G, Year 7 On Tuesday 25th January 2022, the NHEHS Year 7 A team got the oppo...
Category: 2022
By Miss Holmes, English Teacher NHEHS hosted an English Language and Linguistics Conference on 26th ...
Category: 2022
Every month, our NHEHS Librarian and Archivist, Mrs Broekmann puts together a newsletter highlightin...
Category: 2022
The Art department is extremely excited to be hosting Michael Clement as our first Artist in residen...
Category: 2022
Our MFL department is looking forward to hosting Chinese language film “The Monkey King: Hero ...
Category: 2022
By Ms Brown, Head of Science We were delighted to host the first session of ‘The Green STEM Ch...
Category: 2022
On Friday 21 January 2022 the Sixth Form enjoyed another inspiring careers talk from alumna Hannah W...
Category: 2022
By Sophia L-K, Year 7 Last week the whole of Year 7 went on a trip to the Natural History Museum. Th...
Category: 2022
Last week saw the start of “BUDS” – a new monthly NHEHS Community Initiative. If y...