
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2021
By Ms Motyer, Acting Head of Physics Well done to over 20 students from Year 11 who signed up for th...
Category: 2021
By Dr. Snook, Head of Classics We took part in the UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO)  in February, with...
Category: 2021
Last Friday NHEHS Sixth Form enjoyed an inspiring talk from alumna Emily McParland as part of our Ca...
Category: 2021
We were delighted to launch Beyond The Hill this week – our twice-termly newsletter featuring ...
Category: 2021
We’re delighted to announce that Year 5 Mia has just (self-)published her first book Booboo Ca...
Category: 2021
We were very proud to see Dr Raguz and  our Junior School feature in The Week’s Independent Sc...
Category: 2021
As part of NHEHS Science Week, students were invited to take part in webinars on a variety of topics...
Category: 2021
As a resounding conclusion to NHEHS’s World Book Week, the Year 10s and 11s were treated to an onlin...
Category: 2021
By Dulcie Johnson and Francesca Leonard, Drama Reps On Wednesday the 24th of February, this year we ...
Category: 2021
By Flora Davies, Year 10 Journalist Leader Throughout lockdown social media has been some people’s s...
Category: 2021
By Shivani Parthipun, Year 10 Journalist Leader With International Women’s Day fast approaching, peo...
Category: 2021
By Tara Al-Haddad, Year 10 Journalist Leader Since our first national lockdown, there have been quit...