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"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

Good Luck to All Our Wonderful Year 11s!

This week our Year 11s celebrated their last day at school before their GCSE study leave started.

On their final day, we enjoyed afternoon tea and cake, with students and staff sharing great memories, anecdotes and moments from their five years at senior school.

Our Year 11 Tutor team and teachers shared their own good luck messages for the students too.

As well as the traditional signing/hand printing of school shirts and goody bags, Head of Year 11 Miss Munro-Hall wrote her own poem to the entire year group of students which you can read below:

Miss Munro’s Good Luck Poem to Year 11

There once was a year group I met in Year 7 and now they are at the end of Year 11. I remember you all, so bright eyed and excited, many of you in the wonderful 7D, the best Year 7 Form there could be.

Then I got to know a lot more of you in Netball club for Year 7. Iris, Eliza, Addy, Mim and Ella, the team that would be hard to better. Joining us along the way were Hope and Sophia, the best additions to keep a smile on the face of Miss Dunkley. Hard work paying off by getting to nationals this year, an absolute dream team who are my favourite in the country.

Then we move onto the waterpolo players and swimmers, Zara, Zoe, Amelia, Nicola and Rosie, always in the pool never anywhere to be seen. Keeping their successes quiet but keeping Mr Bent, oh so keen.

Coming to the end with Hockey. The talented Hannah, Ellie and Clemmie. Both kind and skilful on and off the pitch, I’m sure you three will succeed and find what makes you tick.

Then of course, I can’t forget the talented Eadi with her gym and cross country!

Then in Year 11 I got to know you all even better and managed to get every surname down to the letter.

I found out that Matilda, Nell and Lola, were all talented artists who I can see having their own galleries in somewhere like Barcelona!

Kikuko next – moving up the music grades, always performing in orchestras and acting as though they are already getting paid.

Stanzi, Zara S, Chris, Evie, Lulu, Megan and Hannah M always providing the good kind of Drama. Acting and performing and couldn’t seem any calmer.

I’m sure I will see you all lots on the telly, performing and singing and making me giggle until I get a sore belly.

Then we come to what I’m sure are the next prime ministers and politicians. Tara, Salem and Tilda J I’m sure all your hard work and public speaking will come to fruition.

Then we move onto those with hidden talents. Maia waking up in the early hours for ballet but always managing to find the perfect balance.

Jenny and Rachel. I’m sure will make up a code that will change the future. I look forward to hearing about what you will achieve on your next adventure.

Then to those who have a way with languages Martha, Alexia and Olivia, able to hold a conversation in a foreign language, something I still haven’t grasped fully and I’m past thirty!

Now we move to Emmi and Anjali who have a flair for Design and Technology. I’m sure you will create some award-winning construction that will be famous for defying combustion.

Then to those that just have a way with maths. Daria, Nirupama, Anna, Aisha, Teya, Sophie, Ana (Alex), Holly, Vasihnavi and Millie A. I’m sure i’ll see you in the news discovering some equation that’s impossibly scary.

Some of our buddying scientists next, Amanda, Yasmin, Victoria, Sophia H, Uma, Iris Z, Ariana and Lollie. I don’t know how you make mole equations look like a ridiculously easy jolly.

We move onto our historians, Lauren, Katherine, Amelia S, Catrin, Aila, Liliana and Charlotte T. Gathering data with ease from sources and analysing to determine significant causes. Wish I could write an essay like you, but alas this little poem is the most I can do.

Now to those who I am sure will be successful in business Carmen H, Sophie P, Carmen H-S, Ishikaa, Carys, Catriona and Alisa. You can always argue your points fairly, and I have no doubt that you succeed early!

Then to those who enjoy reading a book. Charlotte C, Rosa, Felicity and Jemima whose writing always makes you want to have a second look.

Next, Tilda H, Amara, Lauren and Preet, always making strides in Latin, something I will always admire as it’s a subject I always fell flat in!

Then we move to those who are creative and artsy who can draw with so much finesse. Emily, Rani and Isabella W, I can see you all in something like advertising or talented illustrators with your work in the press.

Then finally we look upon those all-rounders who also help and look out for their peers. Aggy, Freya, Estella, Millie C, Emma, Sho, Avi and Nanthana. Definitely a group that are wise beyond their years.


Good luck! You’ve got this!

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