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- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

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Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

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11+ - 08/11/2024

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16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

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- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

In Conversation with……European U18 800m Champion Keely Hodgkinson

This week’s #NHEHSInConversationWith… European U18 800m champion Keely Hodgkinson was organised by our Sports Scholar and middle distance runner Jasmine from Year 11. We were very excited to speak to one of Team GB’s top 800m runners who is aged just 19!

Introduced by Jasmine to the group, Keely explained how she got into athletics aged 8 or 9 when she took part in a local schools cross country event. She joined her local athletics club, but quit after a year, thinking that maybe running wasn’t for her, with much of her time taken up with swimming. Keely went back to athletics, however, and became more competitive over time as she got more involved and into her training.

Aged 15, Keely won her first national title – the England U17 800m, which motivated to push her further. She was given her first GB vest a year later at the European Youth Championships. It’s not been all been plain sailing for her though, as Keely has had to overcome a series of injuries, including her first hamstring injury aged just 13 then getting patella tendinitis shortly after getting a tumour removed from her ear. Having several months out of running was tough and it took the best part of two years to get back her best, but it taught Keely to understand her body and injuries – her advice:

“Every setback is a great opportunity for a great comeback. Understand your limits and what feels good and what doesn’t.”

Then Keely took our questions:

What’s your current situation with running during the lockdown?

“This year was meant to be the Junior World Athletics Championships in Kenya, which would have included a training camp at altitude beforehand, which I was looking forward to. The event was initially postponed but it’s not happening at all now.”

The Tokyo Olympics this year were always going to be a stretch for me, but with them being rescheduled for next year, there’s no reason why I can’t go for it next year? I’ll only be 19 then. I always like to aim high – you never know what can happen!


Question from Jasmine:

How are you staying motivated in lockdown?

A: “At the beginning I was really motivated to get up early – great. But as it has gone on, me and my friends have struggled….Try to take it session by session – things are getting a bit more normal now and I have managed to get a track session.”


How much time do you put into your running in a typical week? You’re competing at national level as a senior, but you are still at school! 

“A typical (non-lockdown) week would look like this for me:

Monday – swim an hour and a half (I still swim as it helps me aerobically, eg last year when I had shin splints)

Tuesday – running – the hardest session of the week

Wednesday – at the gym – either a steady run or cross train

Thursday – speed session 

Friday  – a rest day! I live for Fridays!

Saturday – in the winter I would do 6x 1k  or in the summer a speed lactic session

Sunday – a hill session or a long Sunday run – currently around 45-50 minutes for me

I’m starting at university (Leeds Beckett) in September and I was meant to be doing my A levels now.”


Question from Jasmine:

Has prioritising cross training helped protect you from other injuries?

A: “Yes – the last year I have spent doing more cross training than running. Doing higher mileage is not what it’s all about. People get caught up with mileage with comparisons and being competitive. It’s about what your body can take. I know I break down if I do too much – you need to listen to your body.”

Question from Tash:

What made you decide to go back to running after you thought it wasn’t for you?

A: “I did well in one or two races at a time when I wasn’t swimming. But I was always active as a kid – so my Dad suggested I went to the club to try it out – and I kept going from there and progressed.”


Question from Miss Nicholas:

When you are performing at a very high standard it is hard to get up a level – psychologically what do you do t keep motivated if your times are not improving?

A: “Take one session at a time and look at the bigger picture. Talking things through with my coach helps – having conversations to help the mental aspect.”


Question from Jasmine:

When you don’t have such a great day with your training, does it get to you why you’re not doing as well as you would like?

A: “I run with Steph Moss – who really pushes me to stay in front. If I have a bad run, in my head I’ll say to myself, at least I have done it, even if it isn’t my best. It’s better to do something than not complete the session – there will be some benefit in it.”

Question from Tasha:

Do you have any sports heroes?

A: “Jess Ennis Hill and Usain Bolt are amazing. My favourite is Michael Jordan – I’m sure we all watched The Last Dance – he is on another level!”



What has been the hardest challenge moving into top level athletics?

A: “Keep your head down and take things session by session. Don’t focus on what everyone else is doing!” 


Questions from Iris:

How did you manage to balance training and school work?

A: “Training is an hour’s drive away for me – so I had to make the most of any time I had – do my work in a café, maximise every bit of time I had. But it’s also important to make time for your friends  too. My school were great as they really understood what I was trying to do.”


How do you balance your diet with running and performance?

A: “I like to eat healthily. I treat myself but I’m not snacking all the time. I have breakfast and I like a porridge smoothie. My Mum and Dad help make sure I get protein yogurts, nuts etc. I have tea before training – but I leave at least an hour and a half otherwise I get a stitch. I try to drink one – one half litres of water a day – it’s easier at school. I drink milk and maybe have a cereal bar for recovery after sessions – as I try to eat as natural as possible.

Did you enjoy cross country?

A: “I prefer track but I am quite good at it – I haven’t done any in the last two years but I hope to do some more next year!”


Does running in a group help you?

A: “Steph Moss is always pushing me. Also running with the boys helps to. I have struggled in the lockdown with running on my own.”


Miss Newman question:

Do you have any pre-race routines or superstitions?

A: “Before a race – I try to avoid massages as they make me feel tired, though it’s different for everyone. I love an ice bath! So refreshing – like you have new legs!  I eat porridge for breakfast, make sure I am really hydrated, so drink a bottle of water, then have a bottle of electrolytes, then more water. I always roll my muscles before a race. I also like listening to music before a race and I find watching motivational Youtube videos really pumps you up to get you ready to run too.”


Did you play any team sports?

A: “ I played hockey, netball and football at school – I do enjoy them – it’s nice to be part of a team. I especially enjoyed netball – I used to play centre and run around everywhere!”


Question from Mrs Thomas:

What are your favourite 800 training session?

A: “I have two. My favourite hardest one is 3x 500m – I can’t move for half an hour after that! My other one is one I do two days before a race – 3x 200m off 30 secs – meant to do this at 200m pace.”

Question from Tasha:

Do you run other distances other than 800m?

“I do 400m sometimes but I cannot run 1500!! I have not done one in two years but would like to give it a go again.”


Thank you so much to Keely for answering all our questions. It was really inspiring, as some girls commented afterwards, “You’ve inspired me to go out for a run this evening – thank you!”

Good luck when the athletics season resumes and we will be watching out for you next year – fingers crossed for the Tokyo Olympics!

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