Support our Whole School Bursary Giving Day

"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

Launch of Year 9 & 10 Leadership Roles for 2023-24

After half term our Year 9 and 10 students will be taking up their new leadership roles for the year. All 12 roles are designed to help build essential skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making.  The idea behind the programme is that each pupil who takes on one of these roles comes up with her own ideas to do something meaningful around the school – to make a real and tangible difference. The leadership positions will also provide students with opportunities to hone specific skills such as organisation, time management, public speaking, and event planning. Taking on leadership roles at a young age gives students a chance to gain hands-on leadership experience, which helps them become more confident and effective leaders in the future.

Students from both year groups were encouraged to apply for the roles by mid-October by writing a short letter of application to Mr Fernando explaining why they would make a good leader for a particular area.

Our Year 10 Leadership Programme features seven specific roles which students may apply for: Debating & Public Speaking Leads, Diversity & Inclusion Leads, Journalist Leads, Eco Leads, Digital Leads, and Volunteering Leads. 

Our Debating Leads’ roles are about injecting fun and civility into discussing important issues that matter to our students. Opportunities to lead also include hosting student/staff debates and informal House events, helping host Model United Nations events, mentoring younger students entering competitions.

Skills and interests required: Communication, Creativity, Listening, Teamwork

Our Diversity & Inclusion Leads will be promoting inclusivity, working with Mrs Irwin to ensure that students from all backgrounds, cultures, and identities feel welcome and valued. They will also be organising events, workshops and awareness campaigns to educate students about diversity and inclusion issues, as well as encouraging open and respectful dialogue among students.

Skills and interests required: Leadership, Communication, Empathy, Bringing about positive change

Our Journalist Leads will learn how to craft headlines and write for different audiences as they capture life at NHEHS through regular articles for the school’s website, newsletter and social media.

Skills and interests required: Commitment, Curiosity, Enjoy writing, Tenacity, Creativity

Our Eco Leads will design and deliver a behaviour change campaign to encourage active, responsible travel and road safety. There will be project work such as creating films, app design, walking/cycling challenges, analysing data for Energy Sparks (and creating an action plan to support the reduction of carbon emissions), as well as the opportunity to work with TfL and Ealing Borough.

Skills and interests required: Teamwork, Presentation skills, Project management, Creativity

The Year 10 Volunteering Leads will help lead charity events and activities across the whole school, share ideas to engage students in charity and volunteering work as well as developing links with charities in the local community.  

Skills and interests required: Leadership, Communication, Creativity and innovation, helping those in your local community

The Digital Leads will work with Mr Khan to lead and shape how technology is used throughout the school, acting as technology advocates within the school, leading sessions and assemblies. They will also support teachers and students ensuring that they are using tech effectively as well as e-safety training.

Skills and interests required: Passionate about the use of technology, Strong technical skills, Teamwork, Creativity and innovation

 The Year 9 Leadership Programme this year includes leaders for Social Affairs, Wellbeing, Interfaith, Humanitarian and Science Publications.

The Social Affairs Leads will be encouraged to gather pupil voice on Social Affairs from across the year group, attend/chair the regular committee meetings, discuss and act on Social Affairs issues and come up with ideas on how to improve aspects such as Diversity and Inclusion.

Skills and interests required: Listening, Communication, Commitment to equality, Helping celebrate our school community

Our Interfaith Leads will explore ways in which our faiths can be recognised, publicised, shared and celebrated as part of a diverse community while ensuring that cultural and religious diversity is understood, and different festivals celebrated. They will be encouraged to explore ways in which our faiths can be shared and celebrated as part of a diverse community.

Skills and interests required: Interest in bringing faiths together, widening awareness of distinctive religious traditions, commitment to inclusion, want to help create opportunities for mutual learning and tackling prejudice

Keen Year 9 scientists will be able to work as Science Publication Leads with Year 13s to edit our science department newsletter, The Franklin and also write and gather other students’ articles for the publication.  

Skills and interests required: Teamwork, Communication, Development of scientific skills, helping celebrate our school community

Our Wellbeing Leads will attend regular Wellbeing meetings and attend a course to become Mental Health ambassadors for the school. They will explore, discuss and put into action responses to Wellbeing issues using findings from pupil voice and their own research. The group will also plan and organise events to mark ‘Mental Health Week’ and ‘Anti Bullying Week’ including helping with assemblies and events.

Skills and interests required: Listening and Communication, Organisation and Leadership, Passionate about raising awareness around looking after your mental health

The Year 9 Humanitarian Leads will have the opportunities to get involved in highlighting issues of ethical buying, human rights and refugees, raising awareness of human rights issues experienced by individuals in the UK and elsewhere by encouraging students to get involved and engage and by creating campaigns, displays, assemblies and charity work.

Skills and interests required: Listening, Communication, Commitment to equality

There are further leadership opportunities throughout the school. In the Sixth Form we have our Head Girl and Head Girl Team, Games Captain, House Captains and Year 12 Subject Reps. Every form has two Form Reps and two charity Reps from Year 7-11. There are also Form Houses Reps Year 8s have the chance to become a Lower School Leader, with more other Form-based roles for Year 7 and 8 include Sports Reps, Food Reps and Assembly Reps.

We look forward to meeting our new leaders after half term!

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