Support our Whole School Bursary Giving Day

"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

Making Memories at Y11 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition to Dorset

By Divya K, Year 11

On the 28th of June, a group of Year 11s set off on a three day expedition to Dorset for our Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. With rucksacks stuffed, raincoats on and spirits high, we were ready to take on this highly anticipated challenge. The expedition had been in doubt due to Covid but we were relieved that it was still going forward. We had managed to complete our volunteering, skill and physical activities despite the obstacles thanks to DofE’s flexible criteria, with many completing their volunteering at home by helping a member of family.

Having already planned our routes, my group started walking to the far-off campsite on the first day. With an average walking time of eight hours a day, it is safe to day that DofE is not for the faint of heart! This realisation occurred over quite a few incidents, firstly when a furry locust looking insect the size of my pointer finger hopped from my friends trousers and onto me in our tent. Although, after only a few hours the jagged edge of a cliff on our path or the ants in my unsupervised pot of porridge did not seem to have an effect! However, the struggle endured was only during up and downhills on a loose-stoned footpath or a glutinous mud path. After walking for hours, it was not the most welcoming sight to view in horror a steep incline just waiting to burn your calves. But despite these moments, these struggles were in-the-moment pains and were most definitely inferior to the sensational views and interactions with animals. I’m sure that the memory of walking with sheep, cows and deer and singing feel-good songs along with my friends will stay with me for a long time to come.

Looking back, the expedition was a breath of fresh air amidst the ever changing world we live in. Wishing “Good Morning” to the locals and sharing a laugh about the hardships of DofE provided an escape and opportunity to truly appreciate the environment and all its beauty. I know that, after the expedition, I have veritably changed my views on the wilderness and will be able to reminisce with a grin every time I see hikers or pass a certain snack that we shared along the journey.

All of this would not have been possible if it were not for Mrs Swift, Mr Quarmby, Mr Cheney and Mr Futter as they put up with us after many squeals at insects and lost paths! Although I will not be taking up the gold award, I have no doubt that those who are will truly become at one with nature and create some unforgettable memories.


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