
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2020
DebSoc met again today (Mon 11th May). Today, Miss Gordon and the team explored ‘speaking off the cu...
Category: 2020
Class 13A experienced a ‘virtual school trip’ on Friday 1st May. The National Archives h...
Category: 2020
In the third of our series of our Elite Q&A with top women’s sports stars, we were lucky e...
Category: 2020
When Sophie in Year 11 asked Mr Futter if he could help her dad, an anaesthetist, design an adaptor ...
Category: 2020
This term, the Year 7, 8 and 9 Book Clubs are taking to the Google Meet screens for a virtual versio...
Category: 2020
We are pleased to report that the NHEHS virtual German Society has taken off very well this term and...
Category: 2020
DebSoc met again today (Mon 4th May). Our topic was inspired by Mr. Livings’  virtual assembly last ...
Category: 2020
Year 9 went on a virtual Science Museum trip last week via  He...
Category: 2020
In the second of our series of our Elite Q&A with top women’s sports stars, we were deligh...
Category: 2020
In order to share some positive stories, Ms Hughes, Head of Lower School, is launching a weekly R...
Category: 2020
The Year 12 and 10 Charity  and Volunteering teams together with Miss Motyer are very excited to ann...
Category: 2020
A highlight of Ms Silva’s virtual assemblies has been the setting of her fun weekly creative c...