
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2022
By Mrs Tollit, Development Manager We are delighted to announce our partnership with Royal SpringBoa...
Category: 2022
Notting Hill & Ealing High School has been ranked within the top 20 all-girls schools category i...
Category: 2022
Over half term some of our Year 7-10 students returned to Totleigh Barton, a 16th-century manor hous...
Category: 2022
Our TES award-winning Da Vinci programme kicked off last week for our Year 10 students. The Da Vinci...
Category: 2022
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-ordinator With Christmas getting ever closer, we are gearing up for som...
Category: 2022
By Mrs Tollit, Year 10 Form Tutor On Wednesday 15th November, sixteen of our Year 10s joined togethe...
Category: 2022
By Kaira D (6B) and Larsa U (6W) On the 8th November, the Year Six School Councillors and House Capt...
Category: 2022
Last week we held our International Universities Information Evening, open to all students in Years ...
Category: 2022
Last week four of our chemists took part in Top of the Bench – an annual national inter-school Chemi...
Category: 2022
Our fantastic Year 10 Wellbeing Leads handed over their leadership roles to Year 9 at their Anti-Bul...
Category: 2022
By Gen P, Year 12 Over the summer, Ansley and I applied to the UpSkill Me STEM Mentoring programme, ...
Category: 2022
By Lilly B, Year 8 On Thursday 27th October, a group of Middlesex U11-U15 girls, including myself, h...