
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2022
Hi English and Art enthusiasts! We are the Doodles Team and this year we have loved coming together ...
Category: 2022
We are delighted to announce the launch of our Scientist in Residence programme for 2022. The first ...
Category: 2022
We were delighted to welcome members of the Parents’ Guild on 10th June to run an excellent Ye...
Category: 2022
By Miss Goodsell, Director of Music  Last Thursday we held our Tea Time concert – these are te...
Category: 2022
We were thrilled to see Year 13 cricketer Jenny co-captain the GDST’s Select Cricket team to take on...
Category: 2022
By Mrs Fisher-Black, Head of Art We were delighted to welcome students, families and friends of NHEH...
Category: 2022
Congratulations to Neve in Year 9 for entering and winning first prize in the HART (Humanitarian Aid...
Category: 2022
As part of Pride Month, our Year 12 Diversity Reps led a fantastic Pride Month assembly on June 9th ...
Category: 2022
We have been supporting the charity Days for Girls this term and managed to collect a fantastic amou...
Category: 2022
All students in Year 12 are encouraged to become a Subject Rep, which gives them valuable opportunit...
Category: 2022
By Mrs Johnson, Charities & Volunteering Co-Ordinator Faithful followers of the School’s Twitter...
Category: 2022
By Miss Goodsell, Director of Music The six music scholars and A level students came together last ...