
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2022
This week our Year 11s celebrated their last day at school before their GCSE study leave started. On...
Category: 2022
We were delighted to welcome back pupils from Christ the Saviour C of E Primary School, St Gregory’s...
Category: 2022
By Mrs Duns, Head of Year 8 Our Year 8 students amazed us last week with the first of their Learning...
Category: 2022
By Miss Munro-Hall, Head of PSHCEE  May 9th – 15th is Mental Health Awareness Week 2022. With ...
Category: 2022
On Tuesday 10 May NHEHS Sixth Form enjoyed another Careers Spotlight talk from alumna Georgina Thorn...
Category: 2022
As part of a PSHCEE GDST wide initiative led by PSHE Trust Consultant Teachers Mrs Ferguson and Miss...
Category: 2022
A very successful week for school sport! Firstly, a huge thank you to the PE department and in parti...
Category: 2022
By Madi W, Year 11 In early April of this year, a brave collection of Year 11 students embarked on t...
Category: 2022
We were delighted to be able to welcome NHEHS and GDST alumnae to our most recent networking event, ...
Category: 2022
By Sophie C, Games Captain On Friday 29th April 2022  the PE department hosted the annual sports awa...
Category: 2022
By Mr Rodgers-Endersby, Deputy Head of Sixth Form As we start the Summer Term in earnest there is so...
Category: 2022
By Miss McHenry, Deputy Head of Sixth Form Well done to students in Year 12 for completing their int...