
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2021
Being stuck at home for Lockdown 3 wasn’t going to stop our Year 12 Science Reps sharing the s...
Category: 2021
With over 80 different virtual clubs on offer this term for students from Year 7 through to 13, ther...
Category: 2020
A box of 800 letters of gratitude written across the school – some from our youngest girls – were de...
Category: 2020
If you’re looking for some sporting inspiration over the Christmas holidays, or even a gift id...
Category: 2020
The Tycoon Enterprise competition is going well and both the Year 8 and 12 teams have adapted to COV...
Category: 2020
The Modern Foreign Languages department is absolutely delighted to announce the launch of The MFL ne...
Category: 2020
By Flora Davies and Shivani Parthipun, Year 10 Journalist Leaders During lockdown, social media and ...
Category: 2020
Due to the Covid restrictions of not mixing year group bubbles and social distancing, we have not be...
Category: 2020
This month, Year 9 decided to do something nice for other people to celebrate the festive season. So...
Category: 2020
By Tara Al-Haddad and Lydia Minko, Year 10 Journalist Leaders From the murder of 18 year old child S...
Category: 2020
To help increase awareness of Human Rights Day last week, our Year 9 Humanitarian Leads devised a nu...
Category: 2020
Our Senior Christmas Carol Service premiered on YouTube on Monday evening, featuring our four choirs...