Support our Whole School Bursary Giving Day

"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

Over £11,500 Raised for Charities in 2020-21!

By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-Ordinator

We are delighted to announce that so far this school year we have raised a fantastic grand total of £11,500 for our charities including The Felix Project, Women’s Aid, The Rainbow Trust, The Stephen Lawrence Trust, The Harrow Club, The Log Cabin, BEAT, Alzheimer’s Society, Safeline and Marie Curie.

Thank you for your very generous donations in continuing to support these fantastic causes! 

Our Charities and Volunteering have got off to another busy start this term with Year 7 taking the lead, having voted to fundraise for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Fundraising is kicked off with a Covid-safe cake sale where girls can pre-order their cakes online, then pick them up on set days during the week of May 17th. Also next week on Friday 21st May, we are encouraging all girls in senior school to dress in either the colour purple (the colours of GOSH) or to come to school in their pyjamas in exchange for a donation of £2.

Another event in the pipeline is a students v staff fun sports day later in June, with more activities to be confirmed! 

Book Project – Collection w/c May 17th May

One in four disadvantaged children across the UK has fewer than ten books of their own at home, and one in eight has none.  The Children’s Book Project aims to tackle book poverty and to give every child the opportunity to own their own book. They believe in empowering children to choose a book they are motivated to read and in the power of reading communities. They put on book gifting events that are inclusive, joyful and have a tangible impact on every family that participates.

Here at NHEHS we have an exciting opportunity to support the book project. We will be holding our own book drive, collecting gently used children’s books that you have grown out of.  Please bring your books to the atrium during the week of the Mon 17th May and put into your form boxes. Not only will you be helping this worthwhile charity but also there is a prize for the form who collects the most amount of books.

Please start sorting through your books ready to bring to school from the 17th. Unfortunately they cannot accept: textbooks, revision books, religious textbooks, encyclopedias.

Bake for Bethlehem

On the 30th of April, through a bake sale, the Head Girl Team raised £300 for a hospital in Bethlehem which, because of Covid and lack of funding, has been struggling to deliver care to patients.

Sabah M who organised the event wrote a bit about why she wanted to raise money:

“The HGT organised the bake sale ‘Bake for Bethlehem’ in order to raise money for a charity hospital which has been suffering from lack of funds due to Covid 19 and the humanitarian crisis. The money raised will be used to help BASR hospital continue providing medical and rehabilitation services to help the sick and those with disabilities. I first heard about the hospital a couple of years ago as my dad’s colleague is a doctor who has worked at the hospital. After visiting BASR myself in 2018, I saw first-hand the significant impact it was making in the lives of the local and wider community regardless of ethnicity or religion, making it an all the more worthy a cause to support.” 

Women’s Aid

After Year 11’s successful fundraising for Women’s Aid, the charity have been in touch encouraging us to get involved with a new challenge for May called #5KMay. Women’s Aid are asking individuals and teams to take part in the  5K challenge, then nominate 5 people to do the same and donate £5 to the charity.  This is a great opportunity to keep active and raise vital funds at the same time. 

How to take part?

  • Get your team to participate in a 5k of their choice (run, walk, roll, cycle, socially distanced of course!)  
  • Donate £5 to Women’s Aid here 
  • Upload a picture of your team on social media and nominate others to take part too! Remember to tag the charity on Instagram @womens_aid so they can share!
  • Unlock a goodie bag filled with rewards on completion! 

The Log Cabin

Breaking News! We are getting together a staff – parent team to run in the Ealing Half Marathon to fundraise for The Log Cabin! More details to be announced shortly.


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