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"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

Parent-Staff NHEHS Team Runs Ealing Half 2021 for The Log Cabin

Our biggest ever staff-parent team hit the streets of Ealing on Sunday in the Ealing Half Marathon for the third year in a row to raise money for The Log Cabin, a local Northfields-based charity who help children with disabilities and additional needs. 

Our 40+ strong team enjoyed amazing support all along the route from friends and family of Team NHEHS, especially in Pitshanger, West Ealing and, of course for the final lap of Lammas Park. There was also a fantastic welcome for our runners outside school on Wimborne Road from Mrs Critcher, Mr Piesse, Games Captain Sophie and other students. 

Seeing the homemade banners and smiling friendly faces, hearing the “Go Notting Hill!” cheers and the generous quantities of jelly babies helped our team all make it back to the finish line in the park.

This year our team included parents with daughters in Reception all the way up to the Sixth Form as well as nine members of staff. So, how was the Ealing Half for our intrepid team of enthusiastic runners, first-timers and seasoned half-marathoners?

Our Staff

Mrs Moore – “It was an incredible experience to run the Ealing Half Marathon on Sunday, particularly having damaged my left little toe the morning of the race when a jar of peanut butter landing on it whilst I was making breakfast for my son. I was determined to not let the team down so did the run in 2 hours 10 minutes and was very proud. The atmosphere was incredible and really spurred me on, particularly up hills. It was only later, when I removed my trainers that I discovered I had actually broken my little toe which was black and blue and very painful! The adrenaline must have kept me going as it only hurt when I stopped running!”

Miss Newman – “I think I would easily say that the crowd plays a huge part in the event, as the countless strangers on every corner or sidewalk just cheering you on helped surpress the doubts you may have felt. Also, knowing that I was running for a charity was a big motivation to finish in itself.”

Miss Weir – “I loved running the Ealing Half Marathon, the atmosphere was fantastic and seeing lots of students and teachers along the way really helped to keep my spirits up! The Log Cabin do amazing work and I am so glad that, as a school, we can help support them.”

Our Parents

Ben (Year 5 and Year 8 parent) – “My highlight was seeing so many people throughout the day (chatting to people before the start, during the race and at the end) that I haven’t seen for so long.  It was so nice to see so many familiar faces. I love supporting the log cabin as it is local and aimed at kids.  I also believe our fundraising can make a real difference to them. I’ll definitely be doing it again and will sign up for next year in the coming week….”

Rachel (Year 9 parent) – “The run was great. Despite the horrible hills! So well organised, loads of toilets(!) and the support was fab. Loved the guys with music dotted about, the amazing drummers, the church with the music, the folk band outside the pub and obviously the jelly babies! I like small local charities with a very particular remit – sometimes charities lose their way a bit I feel, or start emphasising awareness and profile over on the ground work, but when it’s something like The log Cabin providing a very particular service to a very particular area, you feel that there is a genuine practical benefit. Would definitely do it again as so easy to get to and just a really nice feel to it. Highlights: I Need a Hero blaring out randomly! And finishing!!”

Sarah (Year 7 parent) – “The highlight (apart from Ellie sweetly coming to support me) was the wonderful atmosphere and traffic free course. I chose the Log Cabin to support because it is the school charity and my entry was very last-minute! I am already planning my training programme for next year as I definitely want to prepare a bit more and get under 2 hours.”

Farah (Year 9 parent) – “The highlight of the day?  The crowd!! ( and the various drummers along the route from different musical genres… I will admit to Bhangra-ing down a hill to the upbeat vibe of the dhols being played by representatives from Ealing Gurudwara! About running for The Log Cabin – once I found out what they do I felt they deserve all the help they can get, shining a spotlight on them and raising awareness as well as much needed funds for them seemed like the right thing to do. Would I run it again? Too soon to ask me that!!”

Stephen (Year 10 parent) – “My last half marathon was the EHM in Sept 19. I think this must of been the same for lots of people. The support was just as good as in 2019 and my fears that no one would turn out in support were more than allayed. I ran a recce with the Ealing Eagles 2 weeks before of the course. The road closures and support mean that I went some 8 minutes quicker on the day  which is about 1.5k ( a long way). I was just beaten by a familiar figure! Can I just add though, I am in the 50-60 age group and not the young boys 40-50!”

Paul (Year 3 parent) – “My highlight was meeting my girls once across the line, that said the crowd support was generally amazing and lots of support for the NHEHS team as we went along! How do I feel after the race? Sore quads. On Monday I endured a fire alarm which required 13 flights of stairs down – ouch! But would I do it again? Absolutely!”

On Saturday, at the Mini Mile, Notting Hill was represented by lots of enthusiastic and speedy Mini Milers ranging from Year 1 up to Year 9, many of whom also pledged to support The Log Cabin too. There were many impressive performances too with several top 10 finishes in the different age categories.  Twenty seven of our NHEHS Juniors also ran amazingly to raise money for Team Amara.  For more about all our fantastic Mini Milers please see the Junior School Newsletter on Firefly. Well done to everyone!

Monique McGoey, Fundraising Manager of The Log Cabin said, “We can’t thank the pupils, staff and parents at Notting Hill and Ealing High School enough for their continued support of The Log Cabin Charity. This year we are fundraising for a new playground as our old structure needed to be taken down due to wear and tear. Their help with our fundraising efforts during time is invaluable and we are really excited to create a much needed inclusive new space for the children to play and have fun.”

We have raised over £4,600 so far for The Log Cabin, but there is still time to donate to our fundraising page here. Any donations can really make a difference to the charity and are much appreciated. Thank you!

We will also be on the lookout for more runners for our team for next year’s Half Marathon. Any takers?

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