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"Virtually every parent would say they want their daughter to develop into a happy and confident young woman. At Notting Hill and Ealing they make it happen."

- Good Schools Guide

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that Sixth Form should be the most interesting, enriching and academically demanding years of your school life. Each year, pupils join us with the intellectual spark and curiosity to take advantage of everything NHEHS has to offer, and leave with the drive and determination for their next adventure."

Registration deadlines:

Junior School

4+ Reception - 18/10/2024
7+ Year 3 - 06/12/2024

Senior School

11+ - 08/11/2024

Sixth Form

16+- 31/10/2024

“Pupils are highly motivated to succeed and are exceptionally focused in their attitudes to learning.”

- ISI 2022

"We believe that being part of a community matters, it involves reaching out to volunteer, raising funds for causes we care about, and sharing our spaces to build meaningful relationships. These collaborations are mutually enriching and enable our students to create connections beyond the school gates."

- Mr Matthew Shoults, Headmaster

Year 12 Team Fly Through to Next Round of the English Speaking Union MACE National Debating Competition

By Miss Gordon, Debating Co-Ordinator

On Wednesday 15th November, three Year 12 students, Hope G, Salem Y and Katherine M made it through the first round of the English Speaking Union’s MACE national debating competition.

They successfully proposed the motion, “This House Believes that environmental campaigning should focus on changing government policy rather than individual behaviours”.

They had attended several preparatory sessions, in which they worked with Miss Gordon to prepare their core arguments, unpick and define the mechanisms of the motion, and familiarise themselves with what was required of each role in the debate. Hope, Salem, and Katie spent a great deal of time researching information to support their arguments, to ensure they could draw on specific evidence-based practices, and truly focus on explaining how different stakeholders would benefit from passing the motion.

On the night, it was quite a nerve-wracking time as their debating opponents were unfortunately not available to attend, so they had to wait two hours before they found out a swing team were kindly stepping in.

Katie spoke first, wisely using her 7 minutes to clearly define the motion and deftly explain why a focus on changing government policy would prove more effective, considering the wider scope and impact and potential success rate of this approach rather than individual behaviours.

Salem continued with a further 7 minutes as second speaker, immediately responding to rebuttal and introducing new lines of argument and examples from history, with interesting parallel references to the campaign for female suffrage.

After facing questions and points from the floor, Hope then gave her final 5 minute summary speech, emphasising over which points of clash their side had proved more convincing.

Each delivered their arguments with such clarity, logical, and passion. They responded to POIs (points of information from the floor and judges) and rebuttal with relevant, carefully considered examples. It was also wonderful to see them fully engage in the other debates, asking questions to other teams.

After the other debates had taken place, the judges took time to prepare feedback notes and reach a unanimous decision.

We were thrilled that Hope, Salem, and Katie were one of two teams that made it through that evening. There next round is scheduled for January 2024 and we eagerly await news of their assigned roles and motion. The ESU kindly provided instructive tips and feedback, so the team will continue to practice their skills as we wait for details of the next round.

Highlights from the judges included:

As a team, your signposting and rebuttal were excellent, clear and nuanced. You listened carefully to the Opp’s arguments and responded accordingly. You also fiercely stuck to your side of the debate with an unwavering defence of government policy, which is to be commended! 

Your focus on changing business practices by govt regulation and the extensive examples, was excellent, as was proving that legislation in these cases, plus ULEZ and plastic bag charging, makes a difference and without this it doesn’t happen. Above all, you told me that your side had the bigger impact on the environment and how, and that’s exactly what we were looking for, well done. Keep it up.

Lovely summary speech, and your final rebuttal on the Greta Thunberg reference that she campaigns for government policy changes, was exemplary. Your emphasis that protests, although by individuals/groups, should focus on changing govt policy, was also great. You summarised without bringing in new points and that’s key. Keep doing that!

Huge well done to Hope, Salem, and Katie for keeping cool heads on the evening and speaking with such confidence.

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