
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2019
Did you know some orchestral instruments are slowly dying out in favour of the more popular ones, su...
Category: 2019
In Year 10 girls are offered the opportunity to join the Year 10 Leadership Programme. This introduc...
Category: 2019
Our Languages Department and Sixth Form Reps were on a mission last week to demonstrate what a diffe...
Category: 2019
Netball U14A Team Win GSA Netball Tournament! A great weekend away for the U14A netball team at the ...
Category: 2019
Girls Go Gold Conference Ten girls travelled to Bath for this excellent sports conference – pl...
Category: 2019
As always we enjoyed gloriously sunny weather as we welcomed back to School on September 12th reunio...
Category: 2019
A record number of extra-curricular clubs provided a wealth of opportunities for girls at the Annual...
Category: 2019
Our NHEHS Staff-Parent team have been training hard over the summer to run the Ealing Half Marathon ...
Category: 2019
On Monday 16th September we were delighted to be visited at school by The Allusionist, aka Helen Zal...
Category: 2019
While our staff and parents team fundraising for The Log Cabin are busy taking on Ealing’s toughest ...
Category: 2019
To get you in the mood for the fun term of sport ahead, our Games Captain Jo Jo has made this short ...
Category: 2019
To mark and remember their time at the Junior School, our outgoing Year 6 girls gave a lovely gift t...