
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
Inspired by the graphic artist Morag Myerscough, Year 8 art students created a collaborative large s...
Category: 2023
As part of the ‘Feast or Famine’ IC topic this term, ‘Chef Ferguson’ and ‘Chef Parker’ f...
Category: 2023
The Da Vinci programme, our TES award-winning lecture programme, kicked off at the start of term wit...
Category: 2023
Every Tuesday, weather permitting, some of our Year 10 students visit a local apiary to help look af...
Category: 2023
This week we celebrated a Week of Languages. Our Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Reps kicked off the ...
Category: 2023
It’s been a busy and successful end to autumn half term for the PE department. Highlights include a ...
Category: 2023
Firstly, a big thank you to all students, staff and their families for supporting all our charities ...
Category: 2023
The first of our workshops with professional choral conductor Hilary Campbell ran this week with a k...
Category: 2023
This term Year 6 have been learning about trench warfare as part of their integrated curriculum topi...
Category: 2023
Norland has been our home for this year while our brand new junior school building is being built. O...
Category: 2023
We are delighted to announce that we will be taking part in the European Parliament Ambassador Schoo...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Postlethwaite, Deputy Head of Sixth Form The pace of global change is accelerating, and NHEHS...