
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: Sport
Our latest weekly “Sport: In Focus” features Year 12 Ellie R and cricket, her favourite ...
Category: Debating
By Zahra M, Year 12 On May 13th, Year 12 participated in the 2021 MUN (Model United Nations), where ...
Category: Uncategorised
Miss Hughes, Head of Lower School, was in her element last week when she and a team of Year 8s welco...
Category: Junior
Last week saw a highly successful Bike & Walk to School Week, supporting sustainable and active ...
Category: Sport
By Mrs Scott, PE  Keen tennis players in Years 7-9 were invited to participate in the first stage of...
Category: Charities & Volunteering
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-Ordinator The Children’s Book Project A huge thank you to all who...
Category: 2021
By Ms Brown, Head of Science A big congratulations to six of our Year 8s who achieved their Bronze C...
Category: 2021
As part of Eco Week at NHEHS, Year 10 Eco Reps Zara F and Bea G went over to Junior School to talk t...
Category: 2021
Our latest weekly “Sport: In Focus” features Year 9 Amelia D and her favourite sport wat...
Category: 2021
Cricket We were excited to host St. Augustine’s Priory for two cricket matches this week. Our ...
Category: 2021
For this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (May 10-16th 2021), our Year 9 Wellbeing Reps gav...
Category: 2021
Currently in the atrium is an amazing photography installation, titled `self-isolation’ – the ...