
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
We are delighted to celebrate excellent GCSE results for our Year 11 students. 46% of entries were a...
Category: 2023
Our PE Department have enjoyed a busy and successful summer term of athletics, tennis, cricket, roun...
Category: 2023
The 29th June saw the annual House Music competition with entries ranging from Grades 0-4 to Pop sol...
Category: 2023
Our Modern Foreign Languages Trips are back! This year we enjoyed our first Year 8 MFL trips since 2...
Category: 2023
2023 has been another great year for our BUDS enrichment programme. NHEHS welcomed 37 pupils in Year...
Category: 2023
Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported all our charities and volunteering initiativ...
Category: 2023
By Miss McHenry, Head of Psychology and Deputy Head of Sixth Form It was a pleasure to attend the an...
Category: 2023
On July 1st, Elizabeth and Lewhat from Year 12 represented NHEHS at the GDST Senior Debating Tournam...
Category: 2023
In DT, Year 7s have been busy making pewter necklaces and jewellery stands this term. They designed ...
Category: 2023
Glastonbury eat your heart out! The entire school turned out to celebrate our community at Hillfest ...
Category: 2023
By Bea G, Year 12 In the summer term, Nyla and I worked on a woodwork project and built a beehive fo...
Category: 2023
On Tuesday 27th June, six Year 8 students presented their Learning Amazon journey to the year in the...