
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2021
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our BUDS programme starting in January and which will run ...
Category: 2021
We love hearing about students who pursue different interests and passions outside school. We couldn...
Category: Music
By Zara B, A Level Music Student After school on Monday the 6th of December, music scholars in Year ...
Category: Charities & Volunteering
Being a Humanitarian Leader is one of the newer leadership roles open to Year 9 students.  Working a...
Category: Music
By Hannah K, Year 10 Journalist Leader What an excellent way to start the musical year with the Nott...
Category: Junior
We were delighted to see our Junior School featured in the Top 10 within the Sunday Times Parent Pow...
Category: Leadership
Anti-Bullying Week took place last week (November 15-19th) with this year’s theme of ‘On...
Category: Modern Foreign Languages
We are thrilled to announce that all three winners of the Under 14 category of the Stephen Spender p...
Category: Careers
By Dr Sheldon, Science University Preparation Co-Ordinator  Entry into most medical schools requires...
Category: Senior
We were excited to learn that keen swimmer Alex in Year 9 was selected as an Ambassador for the Lond...
Category: Charities & Volunteering
Volunteering Leader is one of the most popular leadership roles on offer to our Year 10s.  Working t...
Category: 2021
On Tuesday 16th November the Economics Department held the Economics Breakfast Forum. This event pro...