
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2024
This term we have been enjoying plays by Onatti Productions, specialists in producing interactive Mo...
Category: 2024
By Mr Bennett, Director of Sport The U13 football team showcased brilliant performance at the GDST f...
Category: 2024
A huge congratulations to Year 11 Jaan W for winning the prestigious GDST Chrystall Carter Prize for...
Category: 2024
By Clemmie L-W, Year 12 PRE Rep We have been enjoying a wide range of topics as part of our Sixth Fo...
Category: 2024
Careers and skills are embedded at every stage of NHEHS. To celebrate National Careers Week, we offi...
Category: 2024
By Iskra P, Year 9 On February 29th our U15 water polo team travelled to Highgate in hopes of qualif...
Category: 2024
On Music Curriculum Day last week our Year 7 students were introduced to the intricacies of opera in...
Category: 2024
Last week, the girls in Key Stage 2 had the opportunity to apply to be a Reading Champion. This is a...
Category: 2024
By Miss Newman, PE Teacher Last week five of our hockey teams took part in the annual Ibstock Hockey...
Category: 2024
This week we’ve been marking both Book Week and International Women’s Day at Junior School! Today we...
Category: 2024
During Book Week, Reception and Year 1 enjoyed a thrilling drama workshop themed around ‘Where...
Category: 2024
Happy World Book Day, everyone! This year we were keen to have a more sustainable dress up day this ...