
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
By Amrit M, Year 12 On Thursday 9th March, the Year 12 mathematicians travelled to central London fo...
Category: 2023
Our future entrepreneurs have been busy setting up their businesses as part of The Tycoon Enterprise...
Category: 2023
Our Amnesty International Group held a Teacher Pie Off on March 10th. Students got to ask a teacher ...
Category: 2023
Earlier this term each senior school form group completed their values pyramid to establish which we...
Category: 2023
By Clem G, Nyla K, Magnolia LC and Clemmie B, Year 12 Our trip to the V&A to watch Nyla K perfor...
Category: 2023
By Natasha B, Year 10 Journalist Leader Last Thursday, 16 athletes from Years 6-11 braved the cold t...
Category: 2023
Our Science Department is thrilled to announce the publication of our latest newsletter to coincide ...
Category: 2023
March 14th was Pi Day, or 3.14 in the United States, which our Maths Department celebrated with a nu...
Category: 2023
We were delighted to welcome 10 schools to our GDST Languages Day last week after a four-year Covid-...
Category: 2023
Next Friday 24th March we will be hosting an atrium concert in support of our diversity and inclusio...
Category: 2023
The race began when we realised we had to be in school by 7:00am but we had only just left and it wa...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Vao, Head of Junior PE Our U10 A Netball team travelled to Hammersmith last week to take part...