
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
By Minna W, Year 9 When you think of Shakespeare, do you ever think of Maths? No? Neither had we, un...
Category: 2023
By Jojo, Year 8 This year, we were lucky enough to attend a PRE trip to Westminster Abbey and the Na...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Vao, Head of Junior PE After the initial disappointment of the U11 Newland House tournament p...
Category: 2023
By Miss Silvester, Head of English  Book Week 2023 (27th Feb – 3rd March) It is a truth univer...
Category: 2023
Our Year 12 Charities Reps, Harinee, Abbi, Rithi, Bella and Isie are excited to share the latest Cha...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-ordinator On Tuesday 21st February the Year 11 enrichment group joined ...
Category: 2023
By Nanthana L, Year 11 On 7th February, all the PRE students in Year 11 had an amazing opportunity t...
Category: 2023
We are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest Alumnae Newsletter. Huge thanks to Anna Lu...
Category: 2023
On Friday 10th February, 14 sports scholars from NHEHS attended the GDST Sports Scholars Day. Here&#...
Category: 2023
By Jojo and Hannah D, Year 8 On the 31st of January 2023 the Under 13 cricket A team took part in t...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Vao, Head of Junior PE Last week our Year 3 to 6 swimmers competed in a gala against Newland ...
Category: 2023
We would like to say a huge thank you to all the students who donated some of their toys, books, puz...