
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 takes place from 6th-12th February 2023 with the theme of Let’s C...
Category: 2023
Our Librarian and School Archivist, Mrs Broekmann has been putting together her top reading recommen...
Category: 2023
On February 6th, the Sixth Form Economists enjoyed a talk from Sir Winfield Bischoff at Cardinal Wis...
Category: 2023
We were delighted to play host for the second year running to the Faraday Challenge Day in Ealing at...
Category: 2023
Our History Department and Reps launched the second NHEHS History Week with an assembly focused on f...
Category: 2023
By Anna W, Alicia W, Abbirami Y and Sandra G, Year 12 The Chemistry Olympiad is an exciting initiati...
Category: 2023
Year 10 Alex D recently found out that exciting news that she has been reappointed as a LYG33 ambass...
Category: 2023
By Maddy C, Year 12 Last November I received an email from one of our sports teachers, Mrs Newman re...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Vao, Head of Junior PE We had a very positive start to our swimming campaign this year and fi...
Category: 2023
Thank you so much to Charu Desodt (NHEHS 1994) who came into school to talk to the Sixth Form as par...
Category: 2023
By Lana G and Nishka P, Year 7 On Tuesday 24th January, our U12 A’s and B’s cricket teams travelled ...
Category: 2023
We are thrilled to share news of three amazing sporting successes over the past week! NHEHS U16 Netb...