
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: Charities & Volunteering
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-Ordinator Harvest Collection We sent off over 40 hampers and boxes full...
Category: 2021
By Ms Copin, Deputy Head (Academic) This half-term has seen the first meetings of this year’s Year 1...
Category: History
Our History Department and Reps were delighted to share the very first edition of Aikin – the ...
Category: Leadership
We are excited to announce the fourth edition of The Franklin – our science department’s publication...
Category: Leadership
It’s Eco Week here at Notting Hill with both our Junior and Senior Schools getting involved. Each fo...
Category: 2021
On Tuesday 12th October the Sixth Form enjoyed an inspiring talk from two NHEHS alumnae who both wor...
Category: Leadership
With Monday October 11th being celebrated as International Day of the Girl, our Journalist Leaders F...
Category: Senior
Good news from sport over the last two weeks!  Cross Country Well done to our two Cross Country team...
Category: Senior
By Tara Al-Haddad, Year 11 Journalist Leader From a teenager who’s writing this article, to a reader...
Category: Music
By Lara G, Year 12 On Monday 27th September, myself and many other eager flautists had the opportuni...
Category: Charities & Volunteering
Congratulations to 27 of our NHEHS Juniors who ran the Ealing Mini Mile to raise money as part of th...
Category: Careers
By Maya Shah and Annika Malhotra, Year 13 The NHEHS Medical Conference was held on Wednesday 29 Sept...