
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
By Mr Bent, Swimming and Water Polo Coach Last week our U13 water polo team travelled to Northampton...
Category: 2023
We were thrilled to hear about our U13 water polo team being crowned National Champions at the Engli...
Category: 2023
For the second year running, we held ‘Just One Tree Day’ on Wednesday 24th May to raise money for th...
Category: 2023
As part of their IC topic ‘I love where I live’, this week Year 3 enjoyed a talk from school librari...
Category: 2023
Food at NHEHS is a big deal and our students like to give their views about what’s on the menu. Ever...
Category: 2023
NHEHS partners with Lumina, an online Tutoring Programme for Children Looked After (CLA), a vulnerab...
Category: 2023
Last week was ‘Walk to School Week’ at Junior School! We invited all our NHEHS Juniors to come to sc...
Category: 2023
Year 13s Venus (Diversity and Inclusion Rep) and Isie (Charity Rep) with Year 9 Wellbeing Lead Hatti...
Category: 2023
As part of their IC topic ‘Into Africa’, Year 2 took part in an African drumming workshop on Thursda...
Category: 2023
We were delighted to welcome back former transformational bursary student, Noor Ahmed, last Wednesda...
Category: 2023
It was a very fun-filled and action-packed last few days at NHEHS for our awesome Year 13s! Ahead of...
Category: 2023
We are delighted to announce a new partnership with a Spanish School in Valencia! Our Year 8 Spanish...