
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2021
We finished term with a very active couple of weeks for all our teams across a number of sports with...
Category: GDST
By Miss Douglas-White, PE & Dance Teacher  On Monday the 6th of December seven dancers from NHEH...
Category: History
By Freya M, History Rep Last month we held our first ever Global History & Interfaith Week. The ...
Category: Leadership
We were very excited to see our Year 10 journalists’ first articles in (digital) print this we...
Category: Science
By Mr Yee, Physics Teacher We were excited to enter a team in the UK Space Design Competition –...
Category: Senior
By Li An T, Head Girl At 2:30pm on Thursday 9th December, the students and staff at NHEHS were not s...
Category: Community
A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Parents’ Guild Christmas Bazaar last weekend – it was...
Category: 2021
We have taken part in many IET Faraday Challenge Days over recent years and this year were delighted...
Category: Drama
By Lauren C, Year 10 Journalist Leader The lights dim and a hush falls over the audience. The music ...
Category: Senior
By Hannah K, Year 10 Journalist Leader At NHEHS sport is soaring, with many teams competing and rece...
Category: Charities & Volunteering
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-ordinator Firstly, a huge thank you to all the students and their famil...
Category: Co-Curricular
On Thursday 9th December, two NHEHS teams of Year 11 students took part in the English Speaking Unio...