
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
Last week our Junior Eco Reps were announced in assembly and presented with their badges. Girls had ...
Category: 2023
Here be dragons! As part of their Medieval Magic topic, Year 2 were treated to an inspiring visit fr...
Category: 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Emmi A-N in Year 12 has been awarded the highly prestigious Arkwrig...
Category: 2023
In preparation for this upcoming year, the Head Girl Team has constructed five unique initiatives, i...
Category: 2023
We have been very excited to start on our volunteering and charitable activities straightaway this t...
Category: 2023
At the start of the summer, from Thursday 13th – Saturday 22nd July, 12 students from Years 10-12 tr...
Category: 2023
The annual Year 10 Symposium with Harrow kicked off earlier this week. This year’s theme is ‘Lions a...
Category: 2023
NHEHS Parents’ Guild is delighted to invite all Junior and Senior School parents to our Spring Ball ...
Category: 2023
Our Year 7s have been enjoying a busy and exciting start to their lives at NHEHS! Before the beginni...
Category: 2023
Last Saturday, it was wonderful to welcome over 300 alumnae and former staff back to NHEHS to celebr...
Category: 2023
Last week all of Year 12 enjoyed a wonderful bonding day as they got to know each other during the O...
Category: Academic
By Mrs Fisher-Black, Head of Art At the end of the summer term we were delighted to welcome students...