
Stories and updates from around the school and beyond. Including everything from exceptional academic achievement to celebrations of creativity and our can-do spirit.

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Category: 2023
By Miss Bradshaw, Head of Classics We are very lucky to be hosting a travelling exhibition celebrati...
Category: 2023
By Natasha B, Year 10 Journalist Leader From the 15th to the 20th of December 24 students from Years...
Category: 2023
By Dr Pearce, Head of Sixth Form On the 27th January, we will be entertained by staff and Year 13 st...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Johnson, Charities Co-ordinator Our Charity Reps have been busy planning for the term ahead! ...
Category: 2023
By Gen P, Year 12 Last Saturday saw the launch of this year’s BUDS Programme for 2023. BUDS is our S...
Category: 2023
In the spirit of sustainability we are excited to announce the first ever 7Rs week at NHEHS from Jan...
Category: 2023
By Mrs Tollit, Development Manager We are delighted to announce our partnership with John Lyon’s Cha...
Category: 2023
Our Year 9s heard from Natasha Devon earlier this week about social media and self esteem. Natasha s...
Category: 2023
Our School Magazine team are delighted to announce the publication of our NHEHS Student Magazine. Wo...
Category: 2023
The end of last term saw the publication of our latest MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) Newsletter on ...
Category: 2023
As our sports fixtures kick off again this week for the spring term, we thought it would be a good t...
Category: 2022
From Carols to decorating, festive fundraising and volunteering – to even receiving a couple of spec...